/* Put this CSS into Raw SCSS. There may be better ways to do some of this. Please provide ideas and suggestions. */ /* Colorization. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the custom colors used. Using variables makes it easier to experiment with different color schemes. */ :root { /* For main hyperlink theme */ --rjTheme: #990001;.footer-content-popover div { display: none; } --rjNavMain: #e9dfd7; /* For main NavBar */ --rjHover: #e6dfd6; /* For hovers */ --rjLightBack: #faf8f5; /* For light backgrounds */ --rjDisabled: #dedede; /* For disabled items */ --rjBulb: #ffffdd; /* To highlight current topic */ --rjDueDate: #fbd0dd; /* Due dates for activities */ --rjComplement: #009090; /* Not used yet */ --rjTriadGreen: #009000; /* Not used yet */ --rjTriadBlue: #000090; /* Not used yet */ } /* I color the top Navbar background to differentiate my production Moodle from experimental Moodles. My production color is listed first, followed by experimental colors. */ nav[aria-label="Site navigation"] { background-color: var(--rjNavMain) !important; //background-color: orange !important; //background-color: cyan !important; //background-color: yellow !important; //background-color: #d7e1e9 !important; } .navbar.fixed-top { border-bottom: black 1px solid; border-top: black 1px solid; } /* Change the current topic highlight (lightbulb) color. */ .current { background-color: var(--rjBulb); } /* Change the color of hidden topics and headings */ .activity-item.hiddenactivity { background-color: var(--rjDisabled); } li.section.hidden, .block.hidden, .block.invisible { background-color: var(--rjDisabled); } /* "Collapse" icon characteristics */ .btn.btn-icon:hover, .btn.btn-icon:focus { background-color: var(--rjHover); } /* Highlight each activity when hovering */ .activity-item:hover { background-color: var(--rjHover); } /* Change the drawer header background color */ .drawerheader, .drawercontent { background-color: var(--rjLightBack); } /* Secondary Nav bar colors */ .moremenu .nav-link.active, .moremenu .nav-link.active:hover { background-color: var(--rjHover); } .moremenu .nav-link:hover { background-color: var(--rjLightBack); } /* Card coloring */ .card-body:hover { background-color: var(--rjLightBack); } /* Frontpage coloring */ #frontpage-available-course-list .coursebox:hover { background-color: var(--rjHover); } .pr-1:hover { background-color: var(--rjHover); } /* Frontpage coloring */ #frontpage-available-course-list .coursebox { border: 1px solid black; padding: .3rem; } /* Color for date below activity or resources */ .description .course-description-item:last-child { background-color: var(--rjDueDate); } /* Color the lines between topics. */ .course-content .topics .section, .course-content .weeks .section { border-color: black; } /* Adjustments to the colors of the Quiz Navigation blocks. John Provasnik and Jon Bolton */ #mod_quiz_navblock .qnbutton.notanswered .trafficlight { background-color: white !important; } #mod_quiz_navblock .qnbutton.partiallycorrect .trafficlight { background-color: orange !important; } #mod_quiz_navblock .qnbutton.complete .trafficlight { background-color: blue !important; } #mod_quiz_navblock .qnbutton.notstarted .trafficlight { background-color: pink !important; } /* Change the color of the right drawer toggle button, and its pointer. */ .drawer-toggles .drawer-toggler .btn { background-color: #8c1b10; color: white; } /* Collapsed Topics Color of Open All and Close All */ #toggle-all { color: var(--rjTheme); } /* Remove components that I don't need. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Remove the activity name from the grade book user item. */ .d-block.small { display: none !important; } /* Do not display the "Highlight" badge */ .course-section .sectionbadges .badge { display: none; } /* Remove the left-side Course Index */ .drawer-toggles .drawer-left-toggle .btn { display: none; } /* Remove the "?," bottom-right side */ #page-footer { display: none; } /* This is from Bob Gilmore, and it might be redundant to above. It's focus is the footer popover. */ .footer-content-popover div { display: none; } /* Remove the "percent" complete from the dashboard card */ .dashboard-card-deck .dashboard-card .dashboard-card-footer { display: none; } /* Remove the "My courses" top menu tab (Randy Thorton). Add a "Course Block" to the Dashboard for Courses. This provides one place for students to go, i.e. the Dashboard. */ .primary-navigation li[data-key="mycourses"] { display: none; } /* Remove the left-side nav drawer for new students and everyone. Note: I also make some code changes to ensure that the left nav-draw is always off. */ #nav-drawer { display: none; } /* Font, line, and other element spacing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tighten up line spacing. Increase font-weight. */ body { font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.1rem; } /* Course Section format, reduce spacing in headings. */ .course-section .section-item { padding: .5rem; } /* Reduce the space between paragraphs */ p { margin: .5rem } /* Second heading size */ h2 { font-size: 1.4rem; } /* Topic headings. Check to see where else this occurs. I might want to change this only on the course page. */ h3 { font-size: 1.3rem; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } h4 { font-size: 1.15rem; } /* Change the log-in from a link to a button. Thanks, Bob Gilmore. */ .login { @extend .btn; @extend .btn-primary; a { color: var(--light); } } /* Collapse button characteristics */ .btn.btn-icon { height: 28px; width: 28px; } /* Tighten up and improve course activity and resources. */ .activity-item:not(.activityinline) { padding: .125rem; margin: 0; } /* Make the activity icons smaller. */ .activityiconcontainer { width: 40px; height: 40px; } /* Move Activity Completion Items to inline instead of one per line. */ .activity-item .automatic-completion-conditions { display: inherit; margin: .1rem; } /* Tighten box for date below activity or resources */ .description .course-description-item:last-child { padding: 0 .5rem 0 .5rem; margin: .25rem 1rem .25rem 1rem; } /* Frontpage settings */ #frontpage-available-course-list .summary { margin: 0; } /* Space between topics */ .section .activity { padding: .05rem; } /* Space between topic and description */ .mt-3, .mb-3, .my-3 { margin: 0 !important; } /* Tighten spacing between topics. */ .course-content ul.topics li.section, .course-content ul.weeks li.section { padding: .25rem; } /* Adjust how text appears in right-side blocks. */ .pb-3, .py-3 { padding: .2rem !important; line-height: 1rem; } /* Padding in cards, right-side block. */ .p-3 { padding: .75rem !important; border-style: solid; border-radius: .5rem; border-width: .1rem; } /* Change the card heading style, right-side block. */ card-title, h5 { font-size: 1.05rem; font-weight: bold; } /* This (seems to) removes the vertical scrollbar. */ #page.drawers .main-inner { padding: 0rem .5rem; } /* Adjust left & right border spacing of courses on Course Overview */ .drawers .block_myoverview>.card-body { padding-left: 1rem !important; padding-right: 1rem !important; } .pt-2, .py-2 { padding-top: 0.2rem !important; } /* Tighten spacing of Timeline on Dashboard. */ .pb-1, .py-1 { padding-bottom: 0rem !important; } /* Tighten spacing of Calendar items on Dashboard. */ .maincalendar .calendartable td, .maincalendar .calendartable li { padding: 0; } /* Tighten spacing of Calendar day blocks on Dashboard. */ #region-main .maincalendar .calendarwrapper td > div { height: 9rem; } /* Add a little space to the left of the key on Site homepage. */ .fa-key {padding-left: .5rem} /* Grade Book Modifications */ /* Compress the height of each line */ .path-grade-report-grader .gradeparent .cell { padding: 0rem; } /* Temporary Cloze text input fix for Moodle 4.4, from Bob Gilmore. https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=457790#p1838529 */ .que .subquestion.d-flex { display: inline-flex !important; } /* Specific to the Collapsed Topics Plugin -------------------------------------------- */ /* Reduce space for each resource or activity. I am keeping a little space around the activity icon. */ .format-topcoll .ctopics.topics .activity-item:not(.activityinline) { padding: .05rem .05rem; } /* Reduce space in topic headings in body */ .course-content ul.ctopics li.section .content .toggle span.the_toggle { padding: .125rem; } /* Reduce space in topic headings for topic 0 */ .format-topcoll .ctopics .activity-item:not(.activityinline) { padding: .125rem; } /* Position the toggle target a little more centered */ .fa, .fa-classic, .fa-sharp, .fas, .fa-solid, .dropdown-item[aria-current="true"]::before, .dropdown-item[aria-selected="true"]::before, .dropdown-toggle::after, .dropleft .dropdown-toggle::before, .dropright .dropdown-toggle::after, .dropup .dropdown-toggle::after, .block_settings .block_tree [aria-expanded="true"] > p::before, .block_navigation .block_tree [aria-expanded="true"] > p::before, .block_settings .block_tree [aria-expanded="false"] > p::before, .block_navigation .block_tree [aria-expanded="false"] > p::before, .dir-rtl .block_settings .block_tree [aria-expanded="false"] > p::before, .dir-rtl .block_navigation .block_tree [aria-expanded="false"] > p::before, .editing .editinprogress::after, .toast.toast-success .toast-body::before, .toast.toast-danger .toast-body::before, .toast.toast-info .toast-body::before, .toast.toast-warning .toast-body::before, .navbar.fixed-top .usermenu .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item.carousel-navigation-link::after, .navbar.fixed-top .usermenu .dropdown-menu .submenu .items .dropdown-item[aria-current="true"]::before, .dir-rtl .navbar.fixed-top .usermenu .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item.carousel-navigation-link::after, .moremenu .dropdown-item[aria-current="true"]::before, .moremenu .dropdown-item.active::before, .far, .fa-regular, .content-bank-container.view-grid .cb-unlisted::after, .fab, .fa-brands { line-height: .1; } /* Some color modifications */ .course-content ul.ctopics li.section .content .toggle-point span.toggle_closed, .course-content ul.ctopics li.section .content .toggle-point span.toggle_open, body.jsenabled .course-content ul.ctopics li.section .content .toggle-point span.toggle_open, #toggle-all .content .toggle-point .toggle-all.off { border-color: black; border-top-style: solid; border-width: .05rem; } /* Experimentation Below ------------------------- /* h1 { font-size: .25rem; background-color: blue; } */ /* h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 { margin-bottom: .1rem; line-height: .1rem; } /* Activity Completion button color. Not sure why this doesn't work alert-success, .environmenttable .ok { background-color: #909000; } /* Remove the activity name from the grade book item. .d-block { display: none !important; } */