Below is an overview for these activities. Click the button on the left for additional information.


Miscelleanous work related items.


I enjoy teaching business and engineering courses. This is my full-time job. I am always interested in working with schools that might need an adjunct for summer sessions or other semesters, as needed.

SGI - Software Generation, Incorporated.

I have been operating this small business with a partner for over 20 years. This is a "race results" business that provides finish line reports and statistics. SGI has also provided "results" services for other sports, such as cross-country, wrestling, track & field, and swimming.


I have provided workshops on a variety of topics including digital audio, video, podcasting, website development, and other computer related topics. These workshops are typically two to twenty hours long.


I have been working with this course management systems (CMS) since 2008. I regularly provide assistance to people on, and others who want to take advantage of this open-ware (free) product.

ISE - Industrial and Systems Engineering

This is a "catchall" company for all of my extra types of teaching, businesses, consulting, and miscellaneous extracurricular activities. If you see something here of interest, please contact me.


I can help you get a website up and running at minimal cost.


RCM - The Resource Consumption Model for Process Selection

This is my Ph.D. research topic. It involves a unique methodology for analyzing manufacturing process alternatives considering not only cost, but also "time" and utilization. I am always eager to discuss this methodology with companies.


Activities that don't fit into the above categories.