These are courses that I taught at least once at St. Ambrose University (SAU).  Course descriptions are from the last time that I taught these courses, and may be different than current course descriptions. The syllabi may look different than my current syllabi because I changed web editing systems.

CSCI120. Introduction to Computer Science, 3 credits. Survey of computer systems, the role of the computer in different disciplines. Applications to include word processing, spreadsheets, data-bases, and communications.

IE110. Engineering Graphics, 3 credits. The graphic solution of space problems involving points, lines and planes, geometric construction, orthographic and pictorial representation, auxiliary views, sectioning, dimensioning, basic engineering symbols, solids modeling, and computer-aided design.

IE290. Problem Solving with Microcomputers, 3 credits. Applications of microcomputers to solve a variety of industrial engineering problems. Includes use of packaged programs as well as designing programs for specific applications. Students receive "hands-on" experience on laboratory computers and become familiar with modern industrial engineering algorithms and problem solving techniques. This is a writing intensive course.

IE295. Manufacturing Processes, 3 credits. Fundamentals of manufacturing processes including founding processes, machining, forming, and assembly. Characteristics of basic materials including ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics, and other materials. Instruction includes classroom and field trips.

IE304. Design Fundamentals for Industrial Engineers, 3 Credits. Introduction to the process of engineering design. Application of this process via student projects which are related to industrial engineering functional areas.

IE350. Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control, 3 credits. Addresses those activities in an organization that are directly related to producing goods or providing services. Planning, execution, and control of functions are examined. The focus is on organizational processes in which people, capital, and material (inputs) are combined to produce services and goods (outputs). Such processes may be found in banks, factories, stores, hospitals, etc. Subjects include forecasting, capacity planning, operations design, scheduling, and quality control.

IE375. Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 3 credits. Provides knowledge and an ability to apply computer-aided manufacturing technology as a cost-effective strategy. NC, CNC, CAD/CAM, robotics, vision systems, PLCs, and other technologies are investigated and their applications explored. Strategic implementation, optimization, and systems integration issues are addressed. Theory of feedback control systems and computer control of processes.

IE415. System Integration & Design, 3 Credits. The systems integration process -- planning, design, implementation and control. Student projects which apply this process to industrial engineering functional areas.

IE450. Professional Experience, 3 credits. The student is exposed to the working environment in an industrial engineering or related area in business and industry, government, the military, hospitals, education or similar functional activity which uses design and/or problem solving exercises. This exposure may be obtained through suitable reimbursable work experience. If the student doesn't have such experience, then he/she must register for this course and will be given an assignment to complete, with industrial engineering faculty advisory assistance, a significant industrial engineering project with local industry or an on-campus project.

IE490. Industrial Engineering Senior Design Seminar, 3 credits. A significant project involving design or re-design of an operational product, process or procedure in either an industrial or a service setting. As a minimum, students will consider objectives and criteria, resources, interface with other functional areas, constraints, alternatives and operational specifications. The student will prepare a written report. Prerequisite: Senior status in industrial engineering or director approval. (Fall 2003)

Math095. Intermediate Algebra, 3 credits. Developmental course in algebraic operations, linear equations and inequalities, problem solving, polynomial expressions, factoring, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, quadratic equations.

NSS101. New Student Seminar, 1 credit. An extended orientation course. Students learn effective time management, reading, note-taking and test-taking skills, as well as information about campus resources and academic policies. Personal adjustment to college and career goals are also explored. Pass/No Pass course.