Robotics 056:132
Fall 2005 Syllabus
(Subject to Change)
Syllabus Quick links: Assignments, Basis of Grade, Course InformationCourse Description and Objectives, Texts, Supplemental Resources,

Homework, Announcements

1. Course Information
Days & Time:
Lab location:
Office Hours:
Dr. Rick Jerz, Phone 563.333.6183
Monday & Wednesday, Time: 2:30PM - 3:45PM
E238 AJB
G435 (as scheduled)
3 hours
056/058:032 Design for Manufacturing
Monday1:30PM-2:15PM, 4:00PM-5:30PM. Others by appointment.
2. Teaching Assistant
Mr. Kevin Kaiser  (photo),
Office: G445 (SC), Office Hours: Monday: 9:30AM-11:20AM:  Others by appointment.
3. Course Description and Learning Objectives
Operation and control of robot systems; robotic sensors and data acquisition subsystems; machine vision; software for robot control; design of robotic workcells; laboratory projects.

The learning objectives are:

* Gain an understanding of robot programming & operation.
* Gain an understanding of PLC programming & operation.
* Gain an understanding of designing and implementing robot applications and their relationship to other automated technologies.

4. Texts
JR-Rehg, J.A.," Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems," 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003.
5. Supplemental Readings and Resources

Additional readings may be provided by the instructor.  These will almost always be available on this website for downloading.

References in Library


Basis of Grade

First Exam 25% Attendance 10%
Second Exam 25% Homework and Labs 20%
    Robot Project 20%
>= 99: A+,  94-98: A, 90-93: A-, 87 - 89: B+, 83 - 86: B, 80-82: B-,  77 - 79: C+, 73 - 76: C, 70 - 72: C-, 67-69: D+, 63-66: D, 60-62: D-, below 60: F. 

As the semester progresses, you will be informed about your grade.

You are reminded about the College policy about academic misconduct, and plagiarism at

This course is given by the College of Engineering. This means that class policies on matters such as requirements, grading, and sanctions for academic dishonesty are governed by the College of Engineering. Students wishing to add or drop this course after the official deadline must receive the approval of the Dean of the College of Engineering. Details of the University policy of cross enrollments may be found at:

Attendance and Class Participation: Attendance is very important.  It is your chance to clarify the text material and homework questions, get information not covered in the text, and take advantage of bonus quizzes. You are expected to come prepared to class by completing homework and readings, and to participate in meaningful discussions in class. If you must miss a class, be sure to let the instructor know and check with a classmate to get any notes, handouts or other information you may have missed.

Examinations: There will be two examinations that may contain problem solving, fill in the blank, multiple choice and true/false questions.   Exams are not comprehensive.  Please let the instructor know if you can not make the exam date and time.  These exams are difficult and the student is expected to read and study the assignments, attend lectures, and ask questions.

Homework: For full credit on homework, you should clearly demonstrate your knowledge about the question; don't simply give a yes or no answer; this means you may need to give a short explanation to justify your answer, show your work, and state any appropriate assumptions. In some cases, it may be appropriate to cite the reference where you found certain data or information you used in your solution.

You are expected to do your own homework!  If you copy someone else's homework or let someone copy yours, you can expect to get a zero for the entire day's assignment and possibly face more serious disciplinary action (see Academic Misconduct Standard for specific policy details). The same policy Grading applies to cheating on quizzes or exams. Be a professional; do your own work.

Homework (unless otherwise noted) is due on Mondays.  Late homework will be corrected, but will result in reduced credit. Homework turned in by Wednesday of the same week will be graded at 50% of the corrected score. Homework turned in after Wednesday of the same week will receive a zero credit.

Some homework is collected, some is put into ICON, and some will be submitted electronically.  The homework link provides the method and due date.

Bonus Quizzes: Bonus points will be given for unannounced quizzes during classes. In general, they will cover material from the readings, presented during class, or in your homework. Since the bonus quizzes are not part of the basic course requirement, they cannot be made up, if missed. So, again, it is wise to attend regularly and pay attention in class.

Project:  You will be assigned a robotic project that you will work on as a team.  You will investigate the problem and provide a recommendation (to management).  A project report and presentation are required.  More information about this project will be forthcoming on this website link.

7. Assignments
(week of)

1. August 22 Introduction to course
Chapter 1: Introduction to Industrial Robots (lecture a, lecture_b)
Read entire chapter 1.
Homework01: Q5, Q7, Q10, Q18, Q24 (due 8/24)
Homework02: PB4, PB11, PB14 (due 8/29)
Start PJ2, PJ8 (future due date)
2. August 29 Chapter 2 - Robot Classification
Homework03: Chapter 02: Q1, Q2, Q18, Q23, Q37, PB3, PB23 (due 8/29)
Start PJ5 (with lab robots, future due date)

Using a database (MS Access) to classify robots (in ALF lab)

  September 5 No Class on Monday - University Holiday
3. September 7 Lab Introduction, G445SC Robot Programming, Read 8-6 to 8-9
Chapter02, PJ5 - 1st robot project (individual), due 9/21
Project Overview
4. September 12 Writing Template and Project
Chapter 12 - Work-Cell Design Case Study, Review concepts in this chapter.

Chapter 3 - Automated Work Cells and CIM Systems, Read 3-1 to 3-8, 3-10.
Homework04: Chapter03: Q5, Q7, Q10, Q12, PB2, PB6 (due 9/19)

5. September 19 Chapter 4 - End-of-Arm Tooling

Homework05: Chapter 04: Q2, Q13, PB2, PB8 (due 9/28)
(think about how to design your project's end-effector)

6. September 26 Chapter 5 - Automation Sensors, Read 5-1 to 5-8

Homework06: Chapter 05: Q2, Q5, Q11, Q13, Q17 (due 10/3)
(think about which sensors you will use in your project)

7. October 3

Chapter 6 - Material Handling Systems, Inspection and Tracking
Read 6-4 to 6-6

HW07: Chapter 6: Q12, Q14, Q15

Wednesday - Exam #1 - Review Guide

8. October 10 Chapter 6 - Vision systems
Read 6-1 to 6-3

Industrial Vision Vision Lab

HW08: Chapter 6: Q2, Q5, Q7 (due 10/17)

9. October 17 Chapter 7 - Robot and System Integration
Read 7-1 to 7-3, 7-8 to 7-9, 8-1 to 8-2
HW09: Chapter 7: Q3, Q6 . Chapter 8: Q2, Q5 (due 10/24)
10. October 24 Plant tour
11. October 31  Chapter 7 - Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
Read 7-4, 7-7, 8-3 to 8-6

PLC Examine Conditions

Lab: PLC Programming (due 11/9)
PLC Homework #1, #2, #3 (understand Examine Conditions) (due 11/16)

12. November 7

Chapter 9 - Justification and Applications of Work Cells
Read 9-1 to 9-2

Chapter 9 - Applications of Work Cells Read 9-3 to 9-4

13. November 14 Chapter 10 - Robot Implementation & Safety
Read Chapter 10
HW11: Chapter 10: Q2, Q5, Q7, Q9, Q12, Q20, Q30, PB2 (due 11/28)
. November 21 No Classes - Thanksgiving
14. November 28 Chapter 11 - Human Interface: Operator Training, Acceptance, and Problems
15. December 5 Project Presentations (Monday)
EXAM 2 - Wednesday - Review Guide
16. December 12 University Finals Week - we do not meet this week.

This page was last modified on 04/25/08.  Copyright © 2008 by, Rick Jerz Homepage